Inspiration Overload!

I am so blessed. Friends from the Wellesley Women Artisans planned an excursion to see a Jessica Stockholder lecture at Mass Art the other night. While Stockholder's current work has reached the urban scale – she recently transformed an intersection in Chicago by painting the pavement and adjacent building facades with bold swathes of color – it is the sense of color and composition that truly inspires. Much of her other work is about the juxtaposition of color, doodle, and materiality in the gallery environment. I love it all!
Jessica Stockholder / Chicago Intersection
Jessica Stockhold

After the lecture I had a great conversation with Julia Blake and Julie Vari-Nikolewski about a book Julia had just read called Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon. Julia loaned me the book, which I consumed in about an hour yesterday – lets just say its a quick read! 

The message was layered, but essentially granted permission to take chances, steal ideas, work to my strengths, but most importantly, work! The book was exactly what I needed. It inspired me to start keeping a Pinterest Inspiration Board and also to resume my painting efforts. So, I have loaded up my board with familiar images from Amy Sillman, Georgia O'Keefe, Tadao Ando, and some new images that I have just discovered!

Amy Sillman

Jennifer Sanchez

Check out my new Pinterest Inspiration Board! Thanks again WWA!!
